
Showing posts from July, 2021


We’ve all had moments reading the books or watching the movies when we just somehow wanted to enter the scene and kill the villain, precisely in this case-Voldemort. Its high time we give up the question of why they are so evil to how they became like that. How would it be like to have a mother who betrayed the blood running in her veins and have a father who abandoned you even before you were born. Would you keep his name? No? Tom did the same, he fashioned himself a new name, a name that no one would dare to speak without a feeling of terror. Coming to the story of the great villain, Voldemort’s father was constantly given doses of love potion by Voldemort’s mother which made him a heartless wizard and could also be the reason of why he had a cynical view of love.   If that’s not enough, his deep hatred for his father for making him a half blood ended up with him wanting to purify the wizarding world to pure bloods.   When you think about how he was born from a complex relation


  “The patronus is a kind of positive force, a projection of the very things that the dementor feeds upon – hope, happiness, the desire to survive.”                            Each patronus is unique to the wizard/witch who conjures it, conjuring a patronus in itself is a highly advanced piece of magic way ahead of what was taught or tested at Hogwarts.   A Patronus is a physical manifestation of a person’s source of happiness. The thing that makes this spell even more captivating is that the magic of the charm can easily defend you from dementors; whose presence in themselves removes luminosity and warmth from the surroundings. Other than that, Patronus are also widely used for spreading information or as a messenger. To conjure a Patronus, one must concentrate with all their might, on a single, very happy memory with the incantation expecto patronum. An easier form of Patronus to conjure is a non-corporeal Patronus which is slightly less effective than a full-fledged or corpore